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    Buy 3 Get 1 Free Grovia Hybrid Shells. Code: GroviaSummer

    Newborn Cloth Diaper Fit at 12-13 lbs.

    by clfreestoneboopbaby

    Thinking about cloth diapering your new baby, but are wondering how much use you will get out of each brand and style of newborn diaper?

    Curious what newborn diapers will fit a bigger newborn?

    Little Miss P is growing like a weed. At 3 months old she weighed in at 13 pounds and 25″ long. She is on the large size for her age and is in the 70th percentile for weight and height. So we thought we would go through our newborn stash is fitting (we use mainly One Size as of a few weeks ago).

    Newborn/Size 1 Covers:

    Imagine Newborn
    Thirsties Size 1 Duo Wrap

    Applecheeks Size 1

    Appecheeks Size 1

    Newborn All in Ones-

    •  Smart Bottoms Born Smart
      • These were our first cloth diaper to fit and our first to be outgrown, and man are we sad about it. We sure loved those them. They currently wouldn’t cover her bum crack no matter how hard we tried.


    • Bottom Bumpers Size 1
      • We kind of thought that these would keep fitting but at the 13 pound mark, we can’t seem to get a good fit, for a taller leaner kiddo I can see these going all the way to the 18 advertised pounds but its a stretch for this chic.
    • Grovia Newborn All In One
      • This AIO has pretty loose leg fit and so its going great on her thighs, but she can out-pee it in a sneeze, so into the hand me down box it goes. I wish it had a wee bit more absorbency. We can use them with a Grovia Cotton Booster.


    • Blueberry Simplex Newborn Size-
      • This diaper still has lots of use left in it. We have plenty of snap options left and its easy to add absorbency in the pocket (the Thirsties Hemp Inserts work well as do the Born Smart Doublers. Definitely a great option for a bigger newborn.
    • Imagine Stay Dry Newborn All in One
      • The nice wide insert is good for a light wetter on their own, at this stage we have to use a doubler underneath. We do wish the rise was a little longer. But they advertise fitting until 13 pounds and thats right where we are at in this picture.


    • Imagine Bamboo
      • The snap placement makes these a bit tricky. We would love for them to have one more snap option at the waist. The absorbency is great and they still work well for Little Miss P.
    • Osocozy Size 1 Prefitted
      • This fitted has lots of room in the waist and is great on absorbency but Miss P has a long torso and so it is getting a little too short for us in the rise.



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